Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sorry Soup, I'm going to rat you out

Ladies and Gentleman of Newfoundland and Labrador, the man who sets your gas prices walks to work.

While you probably don't know my best friend Soup, you might be familiar with David Hillier, the guy that shows up on NTV every now and then justifying why he had to raise the price of gas in our fine province. Now I'm going to let you in a secret. They're the same guy!

Anyway, Soup and his girl Julie just moved, and in doing so now live about a block away from where he works, the Petroleum Pricing Office. So by simply filling out the change of address form, Soup went from looking like a cocky bastard by rolling into work in a big SUV, to a sadistic bastard who cackles at the poor guys paying $1.13/litre to commute as he strolls down High Street.

Tonight we went out for a coffee, and while we were sat in the window at Murph's talking about how incompetent our town council is, I asked him if anyone else had noted the irony of the gas man walking to work. He said no, they hadn't and I told him I was going to have to write a blog about it.

Normally I'm really sympathetic to Soup on the shit he takes because of his job, and I'm not actually giving him any now. I just find it funny and felt it needed to be shared.

Sorry Soup, it had to be done. At least I didn't tell them you're a level 4 Dungeon Master.

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