Friday, April 13, 2007

If you haven't seen it, it's probably on YouTube

My entire life, I have had cable TV. Well, at least for as long as I can remember. I think it's to blame for my horrible affliction of procrastinating that I'll get work done as soon as the episode I'm watching is over. I can't even sleep without the TV on anymore. I think it's out of hand.

Needless to say, last year, when I moved into my current apartment and decided to forgo a monthly cable bill in lieu of food I assumed I would either a) become much more productive, or b) lose my mind.
Good news: I'm still relatively sane
Bad news: I found out that downloaded television kicks ass and will take up your life and bandwidth.

It started with
How I Met Your Mother. I downloaded all of last season and kept it on my computer to get me through the summer then I discovered that I could download all the shows I love so much and keep myself up to date on the happenings of Ted, JD, Jim, Hiro, et al.

I currently have a list of 8 shows I download when new episodes come up. A couple of them I'm just trying out to see how they are before I decide if I'm going to keep them on the roster. It's not looking good for some of them (I'm talking to you,
Andy Barker PI), and of course there's a couple that I enjoy, but they're in their first season, so the jury/network is still out on them.

I can't remember where I was going with this post, perhaps it's because my brain is fried from watching 5 seasons of Scrubs in 4 days. Who knows? All I'm saying is I'm curious to see how it will be come next season, when I'm living in a different place with cable.

Its just had me thinking the last few days about how much longer TV will exist the way we know TV. Sure TiVo is just as convenient as downloading I suppose, but I'd like to see a show of hands of how many people actually have TiVo, and in that vein, how many people still have VCRs? I'm just starting to worry that if I'm downloading my favorite shows, then a lot of other people are too, and if no ones watching their actual televisions the shows will get canceled. And if the shows get canceled, how long will the medium last? It's a good thing Zach Braff has all those pretentious indie-films with obscure music to fall back on.