Friday, June 16, 2006

If I had a friend named Kumar trying to get to Wendy's would probably have been funnier.

So I wrote about how much I love the bus way too soon. Today I had the worst Metrobus day ever, but I figure I jinxed myself.

It starts off when I have to try to get to the back of the friggin' Pearl to pick up a package from DHL because I kept missing the delivery guy. I get on the Route 1, which is supposed to take me to the Village so I can transfer to the 22 and get out to Donovan's (keeping in mind I'm still going to have to walk a good chunk of the way cause not even the bus goes to Clyde Ave). Either way, I catch the 1 at the UC, but its the wrong frigging number 1 and I missed my transfer by about a half hour, and now can't get to DHL because catching the next 22 would be too late.

I should highlight at this point that the "scary bus people" apparently like the Village Mall, because I have never seen so many freaky, creepy people as on the Route 1. And I know, because I had to take the frigging thing twice today. Thats right, the way home came via Route 1 as well. However, again, the route 1 I took was the wrong one, so after getting on it at the Village, it brought me all the way through Cowen Heights and then back to the effing Village!

2 hours later I got home and was starving, and deciding that since I'm leaving town for Trinity tonight, I'd get me some Wendy's. So I head to the UC to catch the Route 3 to the Avalon. I know, I'm a lazy bastard. I get there early and sit on a bench to wait for the bus, which of course is late, and doesn't even give me time to get outside before taking off again. At this point I'm beyond pissed off. I leave to go home and sulk/bitch when I realize the 4 will stop in front of the Arts building any second so I grab that and go get my Wendy's.

It was some good Wendy's.

I want it to be clear I don't blame Metrobus for my shitty day. It was my fault I kept getting on the wrong frigging Route 1, and well...ok, the driver at the UC who left without me is a dick. But either way, that's my first bad bus experience. I'll keep you guy's posted as I'm sure you're concerned.

Oh yeah, like I said, I'm leaving for Trinity in like...26 minutes, so I won't be posting for a bit, try not to miss me too much.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round.

This weekend I kept it kind of low key. Friday I was pretty much useless due to a brutal hangover, so Friday night was spent going to pick up my guitar at Chill and trying to get some work done for my job this summer. Saturday night Chris talked me into going to a house party and on the way there I made a startling realization. I love Metrobus.

I knew I always liked the bus, mainly because it was cheap, environmentally friendly transportation (accent on "cheap"), but Saturday I found myself defending the Metrobus system to Mercer, who was ranting about the drivers getting off the bus. Apparently he talked to someone at Metrobus and they're not allowed to do that, but he figures they do because there's no way they can get supervisors to patrol every stop and make sure the driver stays on. I said that's bullshit. The reason the driver gets off the bus is because he or she needs to, and criticizing them for doing so is hypocritical unless you can tell me you have never taken any sort of liberties with a job that weren't necessarily there. That goes for everything from coming in late when you knew your boss wouldn't be there to being logged into MSN on the company computer.

The rebut to my argument was that Metrobus is a public service, and thus, is run for the public, and a driver shouldn't be taking a break to have a smoke if that throws off the schedule and makes a passenger late. I re-rebutted by pointing out that public service or not, the schedule states all times are estimates, and if you need to be somewhere by a certain time you should leave early enough that the driver grabbing a coffee mid route won't make you unforgivably late for wherever you have to be.

The argument went back and forth until a consensus was reached that I was right and Mercer is a wanker. This mostly comes from me being the one telling you the story, and also that the bus was ahead of schedule at the time, so his point is moot.

Now, Saturday night was basically the first time I actually acted on my love of the bus by defending its drivers, but it capped off a long and gradual build up resulting in my loyalty.

It all started just over a year ago, when I first took the bus, and discovered that it does, in fact, kick ass. It's fun. You can kill some time by people watching and taking in the sights of the city while getting where you need to be.

The random people you bump into on the bus also adds to the flavour of the commute. I have met up with old friends on the bus, met up with new friends on the bus and found people I will avoid until the day I die on the bus. The mystery of the people on the bus also adds to the enjoyment. Who are they, where are they going, where are they coming from? All questions that don't get asked, but helps you keep from getting too bored as you wait for your stop.

Last week I even took the bus to a hockey game, which after 45 minutes and a transfer turned out to be cancelled. But at least I got what I think is a funny picture of my gear in the bus shelter at the Avalon Mall.

The point of my rant is simple. You might not like Metrobus, but I do, that is why I do, and also, try to understand that the driver has his or her job to do, and them hopping off the bus for a smoke isn't that big a deal.

For more information on routes and schedules, goto, and if all goes well you'll get where you're going, and I'll get a free bus pass out of this.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Shot Through The Heart: The Barney Stinson Story

Someone actually took the time to make this video.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Those who like it....are PSYCHED!

You can't see me, but right now I'm crying and singing "Oh Canada" as I drink my first bottle of Alexander Keith's bought in Newfoundland.

That's right, the wait is finally over, and after 4 years of waiting and having to put up with empty kegs, fousty taps, and bars that just don't carry it, it's here. I found out last night when I was at a party and today went to the McEsso to find out for myself. My heart raced as I stormed in through the door to find that it was in fact there.

Of course, me being the lamer I am, documented the trip with pictures on my Palm Treo.

This is me carrying it home from the store.

This is it in the fridge.

This is another fridge shot.

This is me carrying it to my chair.

The first sip!

Now, I know this may not be nearly as exciting for all of you, but let me present you with a scenario:

You're me, you look forward to going to Ottawa in May so you can drink Keith's, which you can't do at home. You get there on a Wednesday, go on a beer run, and come back to where you're staying with a 2-4 which you expect to last til Friday. Since it's the first night you take it kind of easy and only drink about 5 of them. Early the next morning you get a call saying your Pop just died, and you rush home, leaving behind the Keith's. That in the grand scheme of things isn't a big deal. Pop is way higher than Keith's on my hierarchy of concerns, but still, coming home to find out that I can get Keith's here helps the greiving process.

Alexander Keith's. Those who like it, like it a lot.