Friday, June 02, 2006

Those who like it....are PSYCHED!

You can't see me, but right now I'm crying and singing "Oh Canada" as I drink my first bottle of Alexander Keith's bought in Newfoundland.

That's right, the wait is finally over, and after 4 years of waiting and having to put up with empty kegs, fousty taps, and bars that just don't carry it, it's here. I found out last night when I was at a party and today went to the McEsso to find out for myself. My heart raced as I stormed in through the door to find that it was in fact there.

Of course, me being the lamer I am, documented the trip with pictures on my Palm Treo.

This is me carrying it home from the store.

This is it in the fridge.

This is another fridge shot.

This is me carrying it to my chair.

The first sip!

Now, I know this may not be nearly as exciting for all of you, but let me present you with a scenario:

You're me, you look forward to going to Ottawa in May so you can drink Keith's, which you can't do at home. You get there on a Wednesday, go on a beer run, and come back to where you're staying with a 2-4 which you expect to last til Friday. Since it's the first night you take it kind of easy and only drink about 5 of them. Early the next morning you get a call saying your Pop just died, and you rush home, leaving behind the Keith's. That in the grand scheme of things isn't a big deal. Pop is way higher than Keith's on my hierarchy of concerns, but still, coming home to find out that I can get Keith's here helps the greiving process.

Alexander Keith's. Those who like it, like it a lot.


Anonymous said...

YES! Its about time.
I <3 Keiths.

Stephanie said...

Yay! From those who can drink it with their cereal for breakfast, we're happy for you.