Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ooh a contest! Exciting!

It's the first ever Soapbox Photoshop Challenge!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to pimp out the logo so the Soapbox can continue its quest to not suck. I'm thinking in the near future I might make it a legitimate website, complete with a fancy url and other fancy things.

But, before I get that hardcore with it, I need a decent logo. I like the idea of a soapbox and megaphone, and maybe someone stood on it or something. It's really up to you. But I want it all tricked out and cool looking, maybe throw some spinners on that shit or some grond effect or... not do that at all. Like I said, totally up to you. The prize for coming up with the logo has yet to be detirmined, but it will be cool, I promise.

To enter just email your logo to

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