Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why I both hate and love Mardi Gras

I know, the Halloween post is usually on Sunday night. But Sunday night I was dragged out on tryptophan and just crashed. At the time I did have a post planned called "what I learned from every vampire movie ever" but when I actually tried to write it I realized that what I learned is nothing, because they always say "forget what you've seen in the movies..." and then go on to contradict every common legend about vampires. So I scrapped that idea.

Then yesterday instead of being dragged out on tryptophan I was hopped up on the adrenaline of quitting my job at Teletech. I lasted two whole weeks, which was about 3 weeks too long, but hey, I'm out of there so who cares.

Anyway on with the post.

As you might have noticed that I like Halloween. But despite this, I'm not a huge fan of Mardi Gras held here in St Johns Halloween weekend, and heres why; it's a stupid idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a costume party with scantily clad drunk girls, in fact I host 2-3 of them each week, but if you're going to do it, give it an appropriate name. Don't give it a name that translates to "fat Tuesday" and is in fact meant to be the day of Carnival before Ash Wednesday and a celebration of excess before the start of lent.

Call it something that actually has to do with Halloween. There's all kinds of potential here but no, some dumbass who didn't take French in the second grade decided that it would be fun to call it Mardi Gras because that translates to "costumed, drunken debauchery" in Moron. I understand people, its past the point of changing the name, and hell, I'll go down to George Street and party it up with the rest of them, but I will be doing it in silent protest that St John's Mardi Gras is a sham! But its a damn good time all the same.

Well, I'm told it is. I went down for it last year for the first time. I didn't enjoy myself. It's one of those things where there was just too much happening to focus. Also, I went with people who dragged me around looking for their friends, which was okay and all, but it would have been nice to find my friends too.

So there you go. I love Mardi Gras for what it is, a huge frigging Halloween party, but hate it for what it's called, because it confuses the hell out of people who aren't from Newfoundland and don't know that they just named it that for no proper reason, while annoying people from Newfoundland who realize how stupid it is to call it Mardi Gras.

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein. A comedic horror classic. It's got Lon Chaney Jr as the Wolf Man, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, and some dude who isn't Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster. What more could you ask for then those guys chasing around Abbott & Costello? Thats right...nothing more.
Interview with the Vampire . Before Tom Cruise went batshit crazy he made some good movies. I think that this was one of them. It's a great telling of a great story. Way better than that Queen of the Damned piece of crap that was supposed to be direct to video but got released because Aliyah died and they figured people would go see it. Anyway, Brad Pitt is awesome in this and the end credits features what has been described by Slash as "the sound of Guns N' Roses breaking up". I'm talking about the real Guns N Roses, not that shitty new version that should actually be called Fatty McAsshole & 9 dudes that aren't Slash.

The collective works of Stephen King, that shit is bound to creep you out.

Sympathy for the Devil - Guns N Roses. Thats what I was talking about before. I know the Stones version is the original and classic, but Slash has actually said that this was the band breaking up. After this GNR just stopped. But if you want to listen to both versions I highly recommend it.
Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett. This just goes without saying. I can't believe it took me this long to list it here.
They're Coming to Take Me Away Ha Haaa - Napoleon XIV "They're coming to take me away haha/ They're coming to take me away hoho hehe to the funny farm..." This song stills just creeps me the fuck out. When I was a kid my aunt had it on a tape and whenever I heard it my skin would crawl. Turns out it's about the guys dog, but still...


Dennis said...

"I host 2-3 of them each week"

I can vouch for this.

"...if you're going to do it, give it an appropriate name. Don't give it a name that translates to "fat Tuesday" and is in fact meant to be the day of Carnival before Ash Wednesday and a celebration of excess before the start of lent."

I'm afraid you're only seeing half the story here, Michael. You've correctly given the origin of Mardi Gras, and what it celebrates, but you've failed to describe what Mardi Gras as the world knows it actually is.

Worldwide (Rio de Janiero, New Orleans, etc.), Mardi Gras has some basic elements: crowds, heavy drinking, music, dancing, partying in the street, horniness, costumes and best costume contests.

So I have to ask, which of these doesn't apply to the festivities in St. John's, thereby making Mardi Gras a misnomer? I think that aside from the fact that it's out of sync with other celebrations, it's a great name.

Anonymous said...

Mike I don't like this post. Embrace Mardi Gras while you still can! While you are all dressed up, drunk, and dragging off (fingers crossed) I'll be here paying $5.50 for a beer and wishing for a $10 access to all of George Street!

Be thankful you can watch all those girls in the naughty factor costumes in bulk!

Stephanie said...

Sympathy for the Devil by GnR actually plays during the credits of Interview With The Vampire, so anyone can kill two birds with one stone by renting the movie.