Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Reproduction of the dumbest

You know how Darwin went to that island and came back with the whole 'survival of the fittest' thing. How only the strong survive? Well that's true. But with that in mind I want you to examine a new theory; reproduction of the dumbest.

It all comes from a conversation I had with Dennis the other day. Turns out he works with this dude who's a real knob. I know because I've almost punched the guy a couple times following confrontations at the Sundance and anyone who knows me knows I'm a bit of a puss so that should speak volumes for his idiotness in and of itself. Anyway, Dennis was telling me how this dude has one kid already, he has another one on the way with his current girlfriend and is talking about ditching her for this other girl he wants to hook up with. All the while trying to get a job at McDonalds for the health benefits.

Dennis' advice was not to break up with his girlfriend, and to buy a box of condoms.

This got me thinking. You know how for years we've been hearing how standardized test scores are dropping and kids are getting dumber on average. Well it's not because of television or video games as we've constantly been told. It's because morons like this dude who are too stupid to wrap it up are watering down the education system with their idiot offspring. Meanwhile the intelligent, responsible sector of the population who are more likely to parent smarter children are careful and generally try to plan pregnancy resulting in smaller families.

I'm not saying that anyone who has an unplanned pregnancy is stupid and will produce stupid kids. I'm just saying it's like that old expression "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". This guy is already staring down two kids from two different moms and is already talking about cheating on his pregnant girlfriend with a girl who, if the trend continues, will most likely wind up pregnant. For the love of God man, invest in some Trojans, or at least pull out.

But what do I know, I used the word "idiotness" in this post.


Anonymous said...

Michael, i think you have lost your readers attention. The reasoning is cause you haven't received a comment outside of your roommates in almost a month.
But I did enjoy this one though...but as for the poll you took regarding the candy, i have a funny feeling that you mave have 'fudge' the numbers so you could keep the candy rather than give it to innocent kids. and don't use the kids today are getting way too fat so you were just looking out for their well-being....
but yeah...kids today are freaking tanks man...

Dennis said...

Hey, leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the "reproduction of the dumbest" thing. AND, it's not limited to just guys. I knew this girl from Shea Heights who, by the age of 16, had two kids for two different guys. I lost track of her after that, so I don't know how many more she has had... (The line up was too long!) Anyone can make a mistake, but it takes a special kind of Darwin-dodger to keep on doing shit like that.