Friday, October 06, 2006

Suit up!

So, I like suits. It's a well known fact, and in my eyes not a big deal. While obviously I subscribe to the Barney Stinson school of life (girls, suits, booze, girls, blogs, girls), the wearing of suits and sports jackets is something I've been a big advocate for for some time now. My first year in college for instance I wrote a paper on the subject called "Class Dismissed" about how society has become too casual. If you don't believe me ask Dick Butt. (tehehe, Dick Butt - seriously my English teacher in college)

Anyway, I got a new job today, and I'm incredibly psyched because it's a real job. None of this "Thank you for calling Sprint..." bullshit. I start work for Hospitality Marketing Concepts on Tuesday. It's a sales job and I work on the 9th floor of a building downtown and while it's not a requirement, wearing a suit to this job is acceptable.

I will of course, because hell, it's me.

But there are reasons why wearing a suit is not only awesome, but also incredibly functional. Here are some examples of why suits are cool.

1) They make you look good
2) They have multiple pockets to easily hold things such as keys, cell phones, and prophylactics
3) They make you more confident (seriously, a good fitting suit makes you feel awesome)
4) The knot of a tie is a good place to put your sunglasses when you're not wearing them
5) You get more respect when suited up
6) The women go crazy for a sharp dressed man

There are my top six reasons you should wear a suit. And remember what Barney says kids; "You never get your moneys worth when you wear jeans to a strip club."


Dennis said...

"6) The women go crazy for a sharp dressed man"

Dude, you're understating things here. You get crazy boyband ass in a suit.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a professional in the mens retail industry, please accept my thanks for your advocacy on behalf of suits. I say this not only as a friend but also as a gentleman who wears suits and is quite happy to serve you in my store at any time. Once again, thank you.

Brian A. Mayne, Esq.

Mercerch said...

Dude, looks like it is time to go suit shopping!

Anonymous said...

I must say, I personally happen to love men in suits! Congrats on the new job!!


Anonymous said...

Suits may be hot but there's nothing like a tradesman cowboy in a tool belt and a pick up truck. Can you hear the Alberta rubbing off on me yet?