Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hangovers Suck

Hangovers are a funny thing. Everyone who drinks suffers from them in one way or another, and most of us have our own special way of dealing with them. The worst part about them is that they can spring up on you for seemingly no reason.

I have one right now, and I don't know why. Yeah, I drank last night, but not a lot. I had about 9 Keith's all night and that was it. Hardly a recipe for destruction. But despite that I still found myself to be hurting this morning, and even threw up. Not the best way to spend New Year's Eve, actually it's usually the way I spend New Year's Day.

But I'm working on my cure. For some people it's the hair of the dog that gets them through, others prefer coffee, sleep is a definite option. But me, I like McDonalds. As I write this I'm sprawled across my bed watching Thundercats, and slowly working my way through a 10 pack of McNuggets. I'm also waiting for the gravol I took to kick in. I'm also contemplating a nap with a cold cloth on my head.

But it has me thinking. With it being New Year's and all I'm sure some of you may be imbibing various spirits and what better time to find ways to combat hangovers. So leave a comment on how you get past feeling like death warmed over.

Happy New Years


Anonymous said...

The best way to prevent a hangover is to stop it before it starts. And no, I am not suggesting not overindulging...when returning from a night of drinking you need to drink 3 glasses of water and eat some type of bread product (no matter how hard it will be to get it all down). Then, you must leave 2-3 giant glasses of water next to your bed for sipping on throughout the night/morning. If this has not helped, soup the next day is a sure fire fixer (make sure its extra salty). One final note, if you really do feel like you are going to throw it...holding it in doesnt make you feel better but letting it go will.

Anonymous said...

Like you, something with grease and carbs always helps give my stomach something to do. A bacon sandwich is a miracle cure. Try to remember to take 3 Tylenol the night before, and I agree with Sheena, lots of water. (I never remember the water...) Also, get up off your arse and DO something.

Oh, and beer will do it every time. Switch to Morgan and Coke.

Anonymous said...

that's a lot