Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ass, Kick Ass

I was planning on not sucking, but since that every time I started to write a post it began "So Kramer went nuts...", I mean, it was hard not to have something to say about it. Dude went crazy. But I decided to leave it alone. Dennis wrote about it, check it out.

What I finally decided would break my silence is the James Bond film festival I've imposed on myself. I watched Casino Royale the other night and it was purely amazing. By far one of the coolest movies I've seen in a long time. It in fact, got me to give the whole James Bond franchise a second chance.

I had grown tired with Bond in the last little while. I saw Dr. No a long time ago on NTV and it was great, but the more movies I watched the more tired I got. It was like a more drawn out version of the degeneration of Batman, by the Pierce Brosnan movies you might as well have had Joel Schumacher directing the mess.

You watch Die Another Day, and it's fun and goofy and everything you expect from a James Bond movie. But thats not necessarily good. The climax of the movie had 007 in a rocket car, racing a satellite laser beam that focused the Sun's energy into a weapon, and then using parts of said rocket car to windsurf his way back to his invisible Astin Martin to save Halle Berry from a melting ice fortress and then go off to stop the British billionaire who is actually a North Korean colonel who has undergone DNA reassessment from using the laser beam to destroy the DMZ. Seriously.

That's why the second and third Austin Powers movies were so redundant, who needs Mike Myers when Bond is parodying himself in each new installment.

But like the breath of fresh air Batman Begins was, in comes Casino Royale to reboot the franchise and wisk you back to when Bond was just pure cool. Actually, it brings you back to before Bond was as cool as we know him, which actually makes him cooler;

James Bond: Vodka martini.
Bartender: Shaken or stirred?
James Bond: Do I look like I give a damn?

That in mind I went out last night and picked up a bunch of Bond flicks. I have now seen each of the 6 "official" 007s, even that George Lazenby guy, and I've got to give Daniel Craig credit. He's currently in a tie for first place with Sean Connery.

Imagine, it's that good and he has blond hair. Who'd of thunk it. Oh yeah, me and Soup last year after we watched Layer Cake. Do yourself a favour, next time you're at the video store and have a copy of Moonraker in your hand. Put it back. Wait a couple months and buy Casino Royale and watch it over and over again.


Unknown said...

Dude very very true words. As much a Brosnen moive were bad i'll still give Golden Eye good marks, his movie went downhill quickly after that.

ohh and btw in Flemings books Bond is a dusty blond.

And props for the Lay3r Cake refrence


Dennis said...

Shouldn't you, uh, watch Moonraker before you advise people against renting it?