Monday, May 08, 2006

Well wasn't that just Souper!

Ok, I know it's been a while, but in my defense I moved, and the internet has been sketchy at the new place. But I'm hoping this means I'm back and blogging on a regular basis. It might be sketchy and the "regular basis" might not be as often as it used to be, but it's something.

So here I am, out of the frigging loop. Since I last had contact with the outside world through television or the internet the Flames were up on the Ducks 3 games to 2, and Barney was setting Ted up with a hot paralegal and pretending she was a hooker. I know the Flames blew it, but I need my HIMYM fix. Apparently the matchmaking company has found Ted a girl? I need to know these things people!

I'm not going to go all crazy and try to make up for weeks of internetlessness, but I thought I'd make a post to let everyone know I'm not dead. I had a couple posts done I was waiting to publish, like "FUHaul", and a thing about people whose MSN status is always set to away, but the UHaul rant is from like 3 weeks ago, and Steph Pelley did a post similar to my MSN one on the Snowy Driveway, you should check it out.

Anyway, I'm going to go catch up on some instant messaging, keep checking back.

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